Over the past decade, Stars & Strikes has helped raise more than $1,000,000 for APCH’s
programs in education, the arts, health and vocational preparation for South Central Los
Angeles youth and families.
During the event, APCH members and attendees will have the opportunity to bowl and mingle with some of today’s biggest and upcoming names in entertainment, including G-Eazy, Sisanie, Tanya Rad, Patty Rodriguez, Jessica Marie Garcia and Jason Genao of the hit Netflix series “On My Block,” Sasha Sloan, Ava Cantrell, Camila Banus, Nathan Arenas, Jaheem Toombs, the Los Angeles Rams football team cheerleaders and Rampage (team mascot), among others.
“As an LA resident, it’s important for me to champion a local organization entirely dedicated to improving the lives of young people and creating a positive environment for those who need it most,” said G-Eazy. “A Place Called Home is a leading force behind grassroots efforts to help at-risk youth in Los Angeles.”
Each year, the Leadership Council (APCH’s board of emerging professionals) creates a fun, exciting and immersive experience to generate inter-generational awareness and support. Previous years’ celebrity ambassadors and supporters have included Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus, Normani Kordei, Nick Cannon, Pete Wentz, Miguel, Jonah Hill, Hailee Steinfeld, Jason Derulo, Keke Palmer, Olivia Holt, Wiz Khalifa, Danielle Herrington and many more.
Stars & Strikes begins at 7 p.m. and ends at 11 p.m., and includes dinner, drinks and prizes. PINZ Bowling and Entertainment Center is located at 12655 Ventura Blvd., Studio City, CA 91604.
For tickets and sponsorships, please visit: www.starsandstrikes2019.com.
A Place Called Home provides a safe, nurturing environment with proven programs in arts, education and wellness for the young people in South Central Los Angeles to help them improve their economic conditions and develop healthy, fulfilling and purposeful lives. For more information, visit apch.org.
The mission of the Endless Summer Fund (ESF) is to help young people reach their full potential and to strengthen the Bay Area community. In July 2018, in conjunction with his Endless Summer Tour, G-Eazy launched ESF as a non-profit initiative to provide disaffected youth with opportunities for economic, educational, and cultural development. G-Eazy hosted ESF’s inaugural event at San Francisco’s oldest homeless youth drop-in center, Larkin Street Youth Services. For more information, visit endlesssummerfund.org.
Taryn Burks, Communications & Marketing Manager
e: tburks@apch.org | p: (323) 232-7653 ext. 3217 | c: (951) 378-9900
Taryn Burks
A Place Called Home
+1 323-232-7653
email us here
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